Movie Synopsis
"Freelance" (2023) tells the story of a retired special forces operative who reluctantly agrees to take on one last mission....
Top Movies & Series Info
Movie Synopsis
"Freelance" (2023) tells the story of a retired special forces operative who reluctantly agrees to take on one last mission....
"Extraction 2" is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2020 action thriller "Extraction," starring Chris Hemsworth as Tyler Rake, a...
Norah: A Blossoming Rebellion in a Restrictive World
Norah (2023) is a poignant Saudi Arabian drama that unfolds in a remote village during...
Fever Dream: A Surreal Exploration of Fame and Family
Fever Dream, a 2023 Saudi Arabian drama tinged with dark humor, takes viewers on a...
Jagun Jagun full movie poster
Jagun Jagun (The Warrior) is a 2023 Netflix original film that throws you into the heart of a thrilling Yoruba...
A Tribe Called Judah poster
Synopsis: Jedidiah Judah, a fiercely independent single mother in Lagos, Nigeria, finds herself juggling the...
In 2023, Disney brought a beloved classic back to life with a live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid." This enchanting film, directed by Rob...
"Blue Beetle" (2023) is a superhero film directed by Angel Manuel Soto and written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer. The movie is based on the DC Comics...
The Fast Family Faces Its Deadliest Threat
Strap yourself in for high-octane action and pulse-pounding thrills with Fast X, the tenth...
Jawan, a Hindi-language action thriller film released in September 2023, tells the story of a father-son duo, both played by Shah Rukh Khan. Driven...
12th Fail is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language biographical drama film directed, produced and written by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It is based on the 2019...